Supplier Information

General Terms & Conditions of Purchase

International Paper EMEA is doing business with all its suppliers in a uniform way. We adhere to the same values and principles regardless of the location of our businesses. Therefore, we also want to transact our mutual business in the same manner.

This is for example reflected in having the same Purchasing Terms and Conditions for all International Paper legal entities across the Europe, Middle East & Africa region. These Purchasing Terms and Conditions can be downloaded below.

Download GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE: Belgium, France, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Spain, all other EMEA countries.

Please visit this website regularly for updates relevant to our wide supplier base.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual contact in International Paper’s Purchasing organization.

IP Code of Conduct
Supplier Information

Supplier code of conduct

International Paper is proud of our global presence and of all of our employees who promote our products, services and ethical standards around the world. Wherever we have suppliers, they also adhere to the high ethical standards defined in the Supplier Code of Conduct, including our EMEA region - Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Man working on machinery

IP + DS Smith Combination

International Paper acquired DS Smith on January 31, 2025 to create a truly global leader in sustainable packaging solutions.